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In The News

How 'organic' are vegetables when they're grown in hydroponic greenhouses?
Burlington Free Press, February 2015


How does a Vermonter, midwinter, find a ripe, organic tomato?


It's a trick question on several counts.


The quest for an answer begins at a grocery store...

East Thetford Farmer Uses Green Thumb for Green Farm
Valley News, January 2014


When Dave Chapman became an organic farmer in the early 1980s, his first operation consisted of a couple of acres of land along with oxen to help with plowing and tilling.


Today, he still works a couple of acres of land at Long Wind Farm in East Thetford. But all of that arable land is enclosed within two commercial glass greenhouses and Chapman is more likely to be found programming algorithms to control the working of energy curtains, which help control heating costs, than mucking stalls for his livestock...

Growing tomatoes, not energy use

Burlington Free Press, July 2012


At Thetford's Long Wind Farm, Dave Chapman is working to increase his organic tomato production while slashing his energy intake. Can it be done?


At one point during an almost decade-long quest to reduce the energy impact of his greenhouse tomato business, Dave Chapman considered growing spinach instead...

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